Customized study guides to help you ace your STEM classes
We specialize in putting together personalized study guides based on the class you are taking and the style of your instructor. They are designed to teach you the skills you need to do well on exams and save you time so that you don’t wonder what to study or how to study.
Custom Study Guides
We curate content that focuses on what matters to help you study.
Study Efficiently Anywhere
Our study guides save you time and travel with you.
Be All You Can Be
Tell us your goals and we will help you reach them.
Helping you with STEM
We started Cogverse Academy to help you make the most of your study time for STEM classes. We bring you the resources that help you better learn the material and practice the problem-solving skills that you will need on exam day. You can just focus on putting in the time.
Our custom study guides are designed to be roadmaps that save you time and are curated based on your syllabus, old exams, and your target grade for the class. It has everything you’ll need from lecture notes, to solved practice problems, to a messaging system to ask us questions as you go.
If you feel like you could use some help and would like to rely on our expertise, we would be happy to have you as a student. We look forward to hearing from you and wish you the best with your classes.